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Figure 3 | Genetic Vaccines and Therapy

Figure 3

From: Recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2-mediated gene delivery into the Rpe65-/- knockout mouse eye results in limited rescue

Figure 3

Intensity response characteristics of scotopic and photopic ERG Intensity response characteristics of scotopic (left panel) and photopic (right panel) ERGs recorded from rAAV.RPE65 injected (o) and age-matched, uninjected control (•) Rpe65-/- mice. Intensity response characteristics of the ERG a-waves (A) and b-waves (B) at 1–2 mo post-injection (n = 15 rAAV.RPE65 injected, n = 10 uninjected). Intensity response characteristics of the ERG b-waves at 7 mo (C, n = 12 rAAV.RPE65-injected, n = 4 uninjected) and 11 mo (D, n = 12 rAAV.RPE65 injected, n = 6 uninjected) post-injection. Data are mean values ± SEM. * = P < 0.05.

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