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Figure 2 | Genetic Vaccines and Therapy

Figure 2

From: Tissue distribution of a plasmid DNA encoding Hsp65 gene is dependent on the dose administered through intramuscular delivery

Figure 2

Identification of plasmid DNA rescued. Nature of plasmid DNA obtained after transformation of cellular DNA from tissues of mice 2 days after i.m. immunization with pcDNA3-Hsp65. Escherichia coli DH5-α was transformed with 1 μg of total DNA from tissues of mice previously immunized with pcDNA3-Hsp65. Plasmid DNA was recovered from ampicillin-resistant colonies. (A) Agarose gel showing plasmid DNA digested overnight with Hind III and Xba I: wild-type pcDNA3-Hsp65 (lane a); plasmid DNA recovered from muscle (lane b); plasmid DNA from bone marrow (lane c) plasmid DNA from liver (lane d); plasmid DNA from spleen (lane e). (B) PCR analysis of rescued plasmid using HSP65 primers: Wild type pcDNA3-Hsp65 (lane a); plasmid rescued from muscle of immunized mice (lane b). The mobility of DNA size standards (λ DNA cut with Hind III) are shown on the left. (C) Identification of nucleotide sequence of plasmid DNA rescued from muscle. Sequence analyses were performed using the blastn program from BLAST.

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